Gunpowder Overview
This site offers flat water except during due south winds when swells push in from the bay.
Lessons available at launch site. Varying conditions great for all skill levels. Local club quite active with many social events held at the rental site. Bath house, phones, and consession area all within yards. Rental shack has small store; convenient when a harness line breaks.
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Maps & Directions
From the Baltimore Beltway, head north on I-95 to the Whitenmarsh exit. Head east to Route 40, and "clover-leaf" onto Route 40 north. Look for the sign to Gunpowder Falls State Park (less than a mile on the right). Follow the road for about 5 miles; the park is on the left. There are signs for the park on this road to keep you going in the right direction.
Sensor Notes
In February 2011, the sensor was relocated to green navaid 10 towards the eastern shore of Gunpowder River just off Maxwell Point. It has excellent fetch in all directions.