Santa Barbara Light 4 Overview
"17 Rules for Kite Boarding/Surfing Ledbetter Beach" 1) Safety First - Always - Safety First 2) Ledbetter is for Intermediate and Advanced Kite boarders Only ! 3) Beginner Kite boarders should use East Beach (3/4 mile to the East near the mid-beach bathrooms). 4) No Beach Flying. Launch your Kite and ride outside the buoy's as quickly as possible. 5) No Free Riding in the Swim Zone. Swim Zone to be used for Launching and Landing only ! 6) Always give swimmer's and surfer's the right of way. Hand signal to let them know you see them. 7) No beginner body dragging in swim zone. Use East Beach (3/4 mile to the East near the mid-beach bathrooms). 8) Know how to stay upwind. 9) Know how to Self-Rescue. 10) Starboard tack (wind to your right) has "Right of Way" to other Kite boarder's. 11) Assist fellow Kite boarders with launching and landing. 12) Keep the beach clean. We know you always do ! 13) "Wet Wednesday's"- No Kite surfing after 5:30 p.m. during Sailboat Race Season and Nightmoves Swim/Run (this was arranged last year with Harbor Master). 14) No kiting within 500 ft of Stearns Warf. 15) No kiting in the Harbor or near the Harbor entrance. (Ok to land at Sandspit in an emergency, but no kiting there.) 16) No beach flying of kites on West beach between the Harbor and Stearns Warf. 17) Kitesurfing is a fun sport. Be courteous, respectful, and friendly to other beach goer's. Finally, many of us have enjoyed Ledbetter for family picnic's, surfing, windsurfing, kayaking, swimming, paddling, and now kitesurfing....let's keep this privilege !
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