Half Moon Bay Overview
Alert: Several SF Bay Spots Threatened! Take a look at these graphics.
The Pillar Point Harbor is the best place for Peninsula sailors looking for high wind winter storm sailing in flat water. The harbor is totally exposed to SE to SW storm wind. The rock breakwater blocks ocean swells but not the wind. The wind here can gust well over 40 knots during storms. This is high wind speed sailing at its best.
Be certain to give right of way to any boats in the channel. It is very important to be on your best behavior here since the posted maximum speed in the harbor is 5mph. The harbor master has hinted at enforcing the limit in the past when there has been problems with windsurfers.
The strong winds can rip your gear off the beach and send it into the tree tops so keep gear secure. Watch for reverse winds bouncing off the wall of the business near the main rigging area -- not a good place to rig the sail right up against the wall there. Storm winds come up very fast, blow of a while and die very fast. So watch your pager while driving here and make certain the low readings are not too low. Generally SE winds will blow longer than SW winds.
There is some concern about pollution. Note the sign along the path to the launch. But the public Health Department has never blocked access for sailing. HMB is a picturesque town, but during the winter, there is not much for the family to do but find a harbor view restaurant, get some chowder, and watch you rip.
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