Jockey's Ridge Overview
This site offers flat water with some jumpable chop offshore. The water is waist-deep close in, overhead further out into the sound.
Pull-down shower and portajohn available at the park. The park is free, but the gate is promptly locked in off hours.
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Maps & Directions
Soundside Drive and Windmill Point are located in south Nags Head. For Soundside Drive, turn off Route 58 (the main road) immediately south of the big dune at Jockey's Ridge. Look for the white church on the corner. Go to the end of the road, then turn right.
Sensor Notes
The sensor is located on the end of a pier at a private residence adjacent to Jockey's Ridge State Park. The meter reads low from the southeast, and is somewhat gusty from the NNE to E due to the dunes at Jockey's Ridge. Southwest winds crank up the Roanoke Sound, and our meter picks up these winds well! Use the readings at this site to represent conditions off Windmill Point and Kitty Hawk Sports' sailing sites to the south.
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