Napeague Overview
Napeague Bay is a small bay and gets great wind, thus it works well for all skill levels. Because the bay is enclosed and has mostly shallow water(you are able to stand in most locations) , it is simply one of, if not the top teaching/learning beachs for beginners and those honing their high wind skills. If you are interested in Lessons call 516-647-0678 East End Windsurfing, this company has been offering lessons and rentals for the past 20 years. All rentals are half or full day $60/$70. The Napeague launch is at the end of a dirt road. Parking permit sticker required year-round for non-East Hampton residents. You can purchase a nonresident sticker at the East Hampton Town Hall (631-324-4142) . If you have a trailer, or for a lower cost approach, you can get a launch sticker and park at the launching ramps. Some sailors suggest dropping off your gear, then parking behind the signs and walking to the water. Exactly where you can park without a sticker is unclear (as the signs come and go). The consensus is that parking behind the white post, sign or no sign, is a safe bet. In addition to the ambiguity of where you can legally park, there have been some cases of vandalism to cars parked outside the sticker-only area. According to the Harbor Master of Napeague Bay, "There are no windsurfing restrictions." Please let us know if you find this to be false. Southampton beaches on Mecox bay and Great Peconic Bay offer alternative locations. Parking at Southampton beaches also requires a sticker which is $150 a year. Call 516-283-2800 for info on parking restrictions. Certain spots along the NY/NJ shore (including Plumb Beach/NY, Napeague/NY, and Sandy Hook/NJ) make the NY/NJ shore among the top three consistently windiest areas on the east coast -- along with the leaders Cape Cod and Cape Hatteras. Great wind and flat water, so works well for all skill levels. Shallow and mostly enclosed; Napeague is ideal for beginners. Non-East Hampton residents: read above parking restrictions!
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Maps & Directions
For Napeague Bay, take Route 27 to East Hampton and continue through town. One mile past the railroad crossing, turn left at the fork onto Cranberry Hole Road. Follow this road for 3 1/2 miles to the end.
Sensor Notes
The sensor overlooks the launch at Lazy Point. Conditions at the launch and sensor are virtually identical. However, during southerly thermals, the wind is frequently stronger in the center of the bay than along the shore. During these thermals, the meter will tell you the launch conditions -- so expect higher winds in the channel.